The Giving Landscape Has Changed

Religious Giving has Fallen

1.9% (inflation adjusted) in the last two reported years.

Givers have Decreased

The number of people making charitable donations has fallen 20% in 12 years.

Nonprofits are Competing

Competition from nonprofits is eroding giving to the local church.

Churches Still Matter

Churches are often the least equipped (yet best positioned) to increase support from givers.

Let Weston Be Your Guide

Weston has the experience. He served in the local church for over 20 years before working in development and marketing with a Christian NGO. He has the expertise to help your church or non-profit.

Horizons has the map. Their proven model has raised over $10 billion for churches & non-profits. Their capital campaigns are a spiritually transforming experience, uniting the church behind a shared vision.

How Can Weston & Horizons Help You?

Generosity Review

A generosity assessment can help your church find areas to grow giving.

Check Book
Regular Giving

Pathway to Generosity can help you grow annual giving.

Capital Projects

A capital campaign can help finance a new building or pay off debt.

Set up a meeting today to discuss your church or non-profit's unique situation.